FREE Video Event: Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams
Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams
Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams
Never Again Will You Need to Say, “I Can’t Make It… I Can’t Succeed!”
God’s “Unfair” Advantage Is 5-Fold Counsel
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you;
and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and
give you a heart of flesh. (Ezek. 36:26)
I know this verse is true because God has healed my heart completely from extreme darkness. What He has done for me, He will do for you. All you’ve been missing are the right tools (drawn from Scripture), and effective guidance so you can use them skillfully. I will show you seven prayers which He used to restore faith, hope and love to my heart. I will lead you in applying these specific prayers to every area of sin and woundedness in your heart, and you will be set free! I guarantee it, because it has proven to work for the thousands who have tried it. 
FREE training videos REVEAL:
4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice
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God has an amazing destiny envisioned for every one of us. He has uniquely gifted you with both natural and supernatural DNA as a foundation for achieving the destiny He has planned for you. In addition, He has provided each of us with several wise, Spirit-anointed advisors, each with a different heart motivation, so their combined counsel of complementary perspectives ensures that we have God’s full counsel as we move forward.

By inviting their counsel, acting upon it, and multiplying your giftedness you can and will succeed far beyond your wildest imagination. God’s revelation and anointing accomplishes this miracle. Let’s discover exactly HOW this works!
Watch This Entire Video Series at No Cost March 10th - 19th (Or $39.95 on DVD)
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Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams
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You are uniquely gifted by God to succeed

There is NOTHING average about you. Your personality, character traits, skills, abilities, and unique upbringing are all threads of a divinely orchestrated tapestry that reveals a magnificent destiny that God has laid out for you. As we follow Him, He leads us to His “Promised Land” of fulfillment and achievement for our individual lives.

We refuse to join the Israelites who whined in the wilderness saying they would die before they got to their Promised Land. That’s satan’s lie for our lives. Rebuke it NOW! Declare, “God has provided me a Promised Land destiny and I WILL inherit it!”

GOD is weaving His tapestry through the unfolding events in our lives

Ever notice how life seems to converge to move you in one direction or another? It could be several people saying the same thing to you, or a couple of events that guide you in a specific direction. When you look back, you realize it was God arranging those details in your life to move you forward in His plan for you. Interesting, isn’t it? Have you ever wondered if that just happens occasionally, or if He is doing that ALL the time (Rom. 8:28)? 

My story of how God guided me into inheriting my Promised Land 

How did I arrive at the point of success I am currently at? I am the Founder and President of Christian Leadership University and Communion With God Ministries. We have enrolled 15,000 students in 129 nations. I have traveled on six continents teaching spiritual intimacy. Hearing God’s voice was my greatest weakness and has now become my greatest ministry.
This is the dairy farm I grew up on. 
The farm Mark Virkler grew up on
My only desire was to take over my dad’s farm. After getting saved at age 15 in a very conservative Baptist church I felt a call to the ministry. Since that church did not believe in getting trained for the ministry, I dropped my membership and went to Roberts Wesleyan College and earned a bachelor’s degree. There I met Patti, who became my wife during our third year of college. Patti, my perfectly gifted companion, became my girlfriend after her college roommate dumped me, and Patti came to console me. Yes, these events were all part of God’s positioning of my life for the destiny He had for me. 

The thing that ticks you off the most is likely the problem you are to solve 

I hungered to hear God’s voice and no one could explain simply and clearly how to do that. As a result, I experienced deep frustration and pain and even backslid several times over this issue during the first decade of my Christian life. Finally, I was impressed to take a year of my life and devote it to researching and hearing God (and obviously this impression came from the Lord).
I used the natural character traits God had gifted me with as I researched. They include persistence, passionate pursuit, clear lineal reasoning, and a love of research. God orchestrated my search that year and it culminated with Him waking me up one morning with a booming bass voice saying, “Get up! I am going to teach you how to hear My voice.” He showed me four simple keys all found in Habakkuk 2:1,2. They are stillness, vision, spontaneity, and journaling. Hearing God’s voice is as simple as quieting yourself down, fixing your eyes on Jesus, recognizing His voice as spontaneous flowing thoughts, and writing down this flow. 
4 Keys

The problem God solves for you is a solution for many others also. So you package it, make it affordable to all, and provide easy access to your solution. 

Often in addressing your own pain, you have, in effect, addressed many other people’s pain too. I had no idea most people struggled to hear God’s voice easily. When I taught these 4 Keys people were overjoyed as it allowed them to step into a deeper relationship with Jesus, their Friend, their Lord, and their Savior. They could enter into two-way conversations with God as part of their daily devotions and capture His love, wisdom, and revelation in their journals for future reference and reflection.

Now we present these principles in a book, workbook, audio and video package and e-learning module, making it affordable and easily accessible to all. As a result, God has built an international ministry around these 4 Keys. Wow! Who would have believed that my greatest weakness – not being able to hear God’s voice – would be transformed into my greatest strength and become a gift to bless the world?  
Bless the world

An ever-expanding product line is something I did and you will do with your gift to the world 

  • Patti and I have co-authored 50+ books and each one draws the reader into a living encounter with Jesus where they hear His voice and see His visions.  
  • We have also built Christian Leadership University with 100+ courses which draw the student into a weekly encounter with Jesus where they hear His voice and see vision.  
  • To my knowledge, this is the only university in the world that offers this. Who would have thought such a thing was possible? 

The wilderness experience IS part of our journey as we travel toward our destiny 

I prefer not to walk through the wilderness on the way to my promised land. However, the wilderness experience teaches us lessons. This was necessary for the Israelites, Jesus, Paul, and likely everyone.

My wilderness involved leaving or being fired from several churches as I pursued insight after insight from Scripture. Through these multiple rejections I learned 1) I didn’t fit into any of their theological boxes, and 2) I could trust God to lead me and provide for me while in the wilderness.
I have concluded we are not designed to live in a box of rules, but by the River of Life which flows from the throne of grace and produces amazing fruit in our lives.

It is wise to begin small and not despise the day of small beginnings. We started Communion With God Ministries and Christian Leadership University in a garage behind our home. Many innovators begin in garages and grow from there. Jesus never even had a home or garage or building, and yet He started a movement that has impacted the entire world. Begin with what God gives you to begin with. 

Multi-gifted counselors came alongside us causing us to step forward  

Because of synergy, the wisdom of a team far outstrips the wisdom of any one single person. God gave me numerous unique counselors at strategic points along the way. They came through many chance encounters:  
  • A book table at a farm auction gave me a book with some amazing, beautiful keys.  
  • A week-long retreat with people of a very different theological persuasion from me gave me some wonderful insights.  
  • I learned I needed to step outside my box to find the answers that were eluding me, and to do this without fear. If the people in my box knew the answers, I would have already received them. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. 

I got picked up when wounded and lying beside the path 

I taught the revelation of the four keys to hearing God’s voice to the church I founded and was pastoring. That made them decide it was time for me to leave. I ended up unemployed for several months and did odd jobs to survive. Then I was hired by Rev. Thomas Reid, pastor of a church of 3,500. His gifts and insights were used to thrust me and the message of communion with God onto the national stage. He was an apostle, a businessman, and a supurb marketer. There is no way I could have orchestrated a connection with him. God orchestrated these events supernaturally. He will do the same for you! 

Fear made me hesitant to move on again 

When it was time for me to leave Pastor Reid’s church and establish my ministry, that too, was challenging. I did not believe I could survive on my own. Since I was hesitant to leave the covering of a larger, more secure ministry, God had to push me out of this nest also, just to show me that I COULD fly and I would not die. God went before me and proved His faithfulness by providing everything that was needed to step forward once again. 
Soaring bird

Constantly stretched as I need to multiply gifts and talents 

Jesus taught if you are given two talents, invest them wisely and gain two more. I started as a pastor and teacher and was perfectly content to just go with these two talents for my entire life.
However, God told me to add marketing and prophetic and apostolic leadership to my skillset. I objected, but since I had learned to hear God’s voice through two-way journaling, He explained that I needed those skills to fully achieve His purposes of transforming the world through the message of communion with God. I would never be able to build Communion With God Ministries to its destiny if I did not cultivate these skills.
So through following His leading, and some trial and error, I have slowly and consistently been mastering new skills outside my initial skillset. I do want to achieve my destiny, so I am willing to be stretched even though I find this challenging and uncomfortable. God will ask you to do the same. 

It’s not over yet 

God has given me additional visions and commissions which I am working on and anticipate fulfilling before my life is done. Are they beyond my abilities? Yes! Is that a problem? Not really, for everything I have achieved already is clearly beyond my natural abilities. 

Could I have given up and quit anywhere along the path? 

Sure could! Many have abandoned their destinies and decided to side with satan and say, “I can’t.” Well, the idea of letting satan win in my life is completely revolting!!! We are the light of the world. We are to set our lights on a hill and light the surrounding areas. We are to disciple all nations.

Overtaking darkness is a vision that God has planted in my heart. It is different than the vision provided by the religious training I grew up with. They believed in darkness to overtake the world. God has asked me to believe that of the increase of HIS government there will be no end (Isa. 9:7). I choose to believe in God’s ever-expanding light since He says the zeal of the Lord will accomplish this (Isa. 9:7).

Yes, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Phil. 4:13). I can believe that, or I can believe that I can’t win. Whichever I believe will determine my outcome. One of my counselors challenged me deeply one day by stating, “Leadership is automatically transferred to those who remain optimistic.” Since I wanted to be a leader, I gave up pessimism. You will need to do the same. 

Summary keys from my life’s story 

  • Start where you are at.
  • Recognize that the thing that irks you probably irks many people, so if you solve it, many would like to participate in your solution. 
  • ​To solve the problem, draw upon your unique gift mix and the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
  • ​Hear from spiritual counselors who have gifts that are complementary to yours. 
  • ​Multiply gifts as God is asking you to. 
  • ​Create a solution through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and make it easily available to the world at a price they can afford. This will earn you an income.
  • ​Give all the glory to God. 
Continually light your area with God’s creative solutions. Become a world-changer! 

People who have been impacted by discovering God’s pattern for success  

Andrea Bennett from McDonough, GA  
“Last week I ordered a bunch of the material from your catalog. I am devouring them!! I have been having a truly WOW experience all week. 

The BEST was my encounter with the How to Build a Winning Team book [which is part of the Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams package]. For years I have felt like a crazy person because I have perceived in my spirit that the Lord had something different in His heart and mind concerning how the body is to function... Your book confirmed all that I have had in my heart for years. I really consider this week of my life to be a major deliverance because now I know that I am not crazy. I believe that there are sooo many of the body members that are suffering because they feel that something just isn't right, but are shamed into believing it is their problem.

I feel that the magnitude of this problem is very similar to when Martin Luther was raised up to bring deliverance to the Lord's people. I am praying for your voice and the voice of others to be heard so that the people can be free and the Lord's heart and mind will be manifest in His Church. I believe that it is time for another ‘95 Theses’ to be nailed to the door!” 

Note from Mark Virkler – Your team of counselors are those who manifest the five heart motivations underlying the five-fold ministry of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher (Eph. 4:11). We all need to surround ourselves with such an amazing team of advisors who all speak from different heart motivations and perspectives. I am eternally thankful to God for showing me this truth. 
C. Peter Wagner – Founder of Global Harvest Ministries and Co-Founder of the World Prayer Center
Peter Wagner & Mark Virkler
“The reason I'm writing, Mark, is to congratulate you for your excellent work in the ‘Fivefold Ministry Summary.’ This is not only brilliant, but it is extremely useful….

In my opinion, this should have a wide circulation. How about making a free-standing version of it with the title ‘The Virkler Grid’ and with a subtitle ‘A Comparative Analysis of the Foundational Offices of Ephesians 4:11?’
I would expect that you will see it popping up all over the place since there is nothing else like it. The Virkler Grid could end up being a standard tool for the whole apostolic movement in years to come.”
Your Winning Team CARD - keep it on your desk! This 5.5 X 8.5-inch card is a simple reminder to know and look to several people God has provided you who together comprise the five heart motivations that underlie the five-fold team God speaks about in Ephesians 4:7-11. (It is what C. Peter Wagner inspired us to create!)

How much time should we invest in discovering God’s pattern for success? 

When the alternative to success is a lifetime of failure or mediocracy then there is no limit to the amount of time I need to invest to discover and apply God’s steps to victory.

I spent a year solving an “unsolvable” problem and then a lifetime sharing it.
The truths I learned in hearing God’s voice can be found here.

The lessons on how to succeed in mastering a skill and then effectively presenting it to the world are found in two books which are both part of this training module on Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams.  
Gifted to Succeed book
Book 1 – Gifted to Succeed – where you define your unique giftedness.
How to Build a Winning Team book
Book 2 – How to Build a Winning Team – where you discover how to create a well-functioning, multi-gifted team who will help in presenting your gift to the world.
Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams videos
Video Series – Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams – where you leverage the unfair advantage of 5-fold counsel.
The result is that you will be able to clearly define and maximize your unique set of gifts which God has graced you with, and you will know how to team up with others who have complementary gifts to fully finalize and share your creation with the world. How much is that worth?

Our no risk guarantee – Experience the entire video series absolutely FREE, for a very limited time!

We are offering free viewing if all 14 sessions of this video series free to anyone who signs up using the form higher up on this page before March 19th, 2025.
We also provide Lesson One of the dynamic foundational course Hearing God’s Voice free of charge. 
Free Sample Lesson
Now you can discover for yourself if it is some stuffy armchair theology or real, down-to-earth, practical, engaging, and life-transforming truth. 

Didn’t the free sample convince you this is better training than anything you could have imagined?

In Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams, you will discover God’s blueprint for success. I can guarantee that! You will need to practice turning to Him throughout the day to make this effective and life-giving. We can teach you in just three months what it took me a year to learn because I have gone ahead and prepared the way. This training can easily and comfortably be explored during your daily quiet times.

For those who enroll in the School of the Spirit module, I even host an online forum where you can come and post your questions and get answers. As you get started, you can share your revelations, questions, and issues so I can confirm if you are on the right track and help you along the path of applying God’s blueprint for success. I will become a personal coach to you during this training experience.
If you are one of His sheep, then He is speaking to you and you are hearing His voice! The problem is that we have not learned how to recognize His voice and differentiate it from all of the other voices that bombard our hearts and minds. Mark Virkler's teaching on the four keys to hearing God's voice has helped thousands of people of every age on every continent begin to recognize the voice of the Lord within their own hearts clearly and consistently, leading to a deeper intimacy with Him as well as greater faith, hope and joy in their lives.
Watch 15-Minute Segments from Our Bestselling Video Series at No Cost Now
FREE Video Training REVEALS
4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice
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What Others Are Saying About Mark Virkler and CWG Ministries...
Mark Virkler
Mark Virkler
About the Speaker:
Dr. Mark Virkler has authored more than 50 books in the areas of hearing God’s voice and spiritual growth. He is the founder of Communion With God Ministries and Christian Leadership University, where the voice of God is at the center of every learning experience. Mark has taught on developing intimacy with God and spiritual healing for 40 years on six continents. The message has been translated into 50 languages and he has helped to establish more than 250 church-centered Bible schools around the world.
Copyright © 2025 - Mark Virkler