Naturally Supernatural – FREE Video Event
Naturally Supernatural – FREE Video Event
Never Again Will You Need to Say, “I Feel So Guilty and Condemned…”
How You CAN Stop Striving by Living
“Naturally Supernatural”

Revised & Expanded 30th Anniversary Edition

Watch This Complete Video Series at No Cost November 7-16 (Or $59.95 on DVD)
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Lives transformed as people live Naturally Supernatural

“My mind was blown. This concept is so life-altering.”

I hadn’t gotten halfway through the first chapter of Naturally Supernatural and I was reaching for the wet wipes to clean all the brain matter off the walls after my mind was blown. This concept is so life-altering. I don’t know how many times I’ll have to read it to get it into my spirit.

Immediately, I went into prayer, claiming this as truth. Within seconds, the Holy Spirit was at work, as I was praying in the Spirit, He was ripping out old beliefs and setting up scaffolding to begin to break soil for the new Truth Center that was now taking its place.

That being said, thank you for this book! It will have a very profound effect on my life.

Nate Cooper

“I no longer limit God to the situations I feel I can’t handle on my own.”

As things would heat up in my life, I would handle them through my own intelligence and abilities and then go to God for what was lacking in order to get through the stressful times. The greatest lesson I have learned through this course on Living Naturally Supernatural is that abiding in Christ doesn’t limit Him to come into the situations I feel I can’t handle on my own. Abiding means to live in intimate relationship – always and in everything.

That was where I was failing. I had a degree of intimacy, at times greater than other times. However, I am learning that there is such a depth of relationship with God that I have only touched on in some ways. There is so much more of Him to experience, and there is so much more of me that He could experience if I would simply surrender to Him completely.

Michelle Kuehn

What do we do when we can’t reason ourselves out of sinful temptation?

This morning I felt a very strong temptation to have feelings that I did not want and if carried through, would be disastrous. These were feelings from the past and I recognized them well. I first started reasoning them out. Soon I realized that this is not the way Jesus would have me deal with them. I started applying the things that I have been learning in Naturally Supernatural. I started inviting and welcoming Jesus to come in and fill me and to flow out of me with His love and supernatural power.

In short order I noticed things starting to feel different. I started feeling a sense of peace. After a little while I was aware of the inside of me being filled with light, and then I heard singing and praising that seemed to be coming from deep inside. I joined in singing praises and worship to My Lord Jesus. Then there was a clarity that I do not believe I have experienced before. I knew that I knew that I knew for certain how incredible it is to have Jesus abiding in me and living His life out through me. The difference between the love of Jesus and the sinister lies of satan was so apparent. Absolutely incredible! Jesus, thank You for Your faithfulness to never leave us or to forsake us.

God spoke through journaling: “Stop trying! Release everything to Me. Follow My lead. Have I not shown you I will bless you?”

Lord, I believe You. I am just not sure how I am to do things.

“Come to Me daily and don’t try to reason it all out. Look at each day and come to Me in faith. I am over all. I will provide. Rest and be at peace. Do not be afraid, trust Me. I am trustworthy and I will care for you, My little ewe lamb.”

Thank You, Lord Jesus!

Linda Burton
Mark Virkler
Mark Virkler
About the Speaker:
Dr. Mark Virkler has authored more than 50 books in the areas of hearing God’s voice, emotional healing and spiritual growth. He is the founder of Communion With God Ministries and Christian Leadership University, where the voice of God is at the center of every learning experience. Mark has taught on developing intimacy with God and spiritual healing for 40 years on six continents. The message has been translated into 50 languages and he has helped to establish more than 250 church-centered Bible schools around the world.
Copyright © 2022 – Mark Virkler