Overflow of the Spirit
Free Video Event
Receive Access to ALL These Digital Resources When You Enroll in the Complete Interactive Spirit Life Training Module Today!
  • Lifetime access to 12 streaming & downloadable videos – ideal for evenings watching the sessions together with your family or small group. – $49.95 value
  • Complete set of 12 MP3 sessions – identical to the videos, each averaging 30-40 minutes, where Mark and Charity teach you how to flow in every gift of the Spirit in your everyday life. This allows you to listen to the training over and over in your car or while exercising. – $49.95 value
  • The 284-page Overflow of the Spirit PDF ebook – a twelve-chapter book which guides you through a full understanding of how you can release all nine manifestation of the Holy Spirit! – $15.99 value
  • The 50-page PDF ebook LEARN Overflow of the Spirit – a workbook which corresponds with the MP3s and video downloads.  – $6.95 value
  • Electronic medium provides easy, instant access on any device, no shipping or handling fees – $100 value
  • Step-by-step guidance from the Interactive Learning Management System – $100 value
  • Personal assessment tools are provided throughout the course so you can confirm that you have internalized and mastered the key skills taught in each lesson. This guarantees life-change! A priceless benefit, but we will limit it to $197 value.
  • Certificate of Completion awarding 5 CEUs – $50 value
  • Option to apply college credit toward a degree at CLU – $200 value
  • Coaching – Access to an online chatroom where my daughter and I will answer your questions and be a sounding board for your journaling. Wow! Now this is a personal touch to speed you on your way! – $300 value
  • Coupon for 40% off hard copies of this material – $49+ value
Don't Wait: Offer expires Feb. 19th

$1,118.84 Value Only $197 Now $97

$1,118.84 Value Only $197 Now $97

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We Are Adding Even More Value with These Instant Bonuses for Acting Now...

Note: These are only included when ordering during this event!

Bonus #1: A Stroll Along the Sea of Galilee

The most practical tool in the world for hearing God’s voice
This 30-minute MP3 will breathe new life into your daily devotions! Begin with a 5-minute encounter where we take you for a walk with Jesus along the Sea of Galilee. We coach you into using the four keys to hearing His voice (stillness, vision, spontaneity and journaling). There is anointed music in the background which ushers you into the presence of God as you journal. The perfect companion for your morning quiet time!

Bonus #2: How to Receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit eBook

This brief booklet walks a person through the main obstacles to speaking in tongues, and shows how each one can be successfully overcome. It is down-to-earth, practical and biblical, and in it Mark Virkler shares the struggles he went through before he was able to speak in tongues. Some were theological issues and some simply practical issues.

Bonus #3: How to Speak in Tongues (MP3)

It’s easier than you thought!
Initially, I made the gift of speaking in tongues hard. Once I discovered how easy it was, I received my breakthrough. I will explain exactly how you can experience this wonderful miracle in your life and the amazing benefits of speaking in tongues. It’s a simple, step-by-step approach that will allow you to help others get their breakthrough too. I show you that to receive God’s gift is easy! After all, it is the GIFT of speaking in tongues!

Bonus #4: Meditation: How to Study the Bible in the Presence of God eBook

Verses leaping off the page!

I wrote this ebook because for many years I studied the Bible with my mind only, and it produced death rather than life (2 Cor. 3:6-9). I came out of Bible college just like the Apostle Paul,
attacking those who disagreed with my theology. 

Once I learned to hear God’s voice, I let God lead me to Scriptures, and reveal them to my heart, and I experienced what the disciples experienced: my heart burning within as Jesus was opening up Scriptures (Lk. 24:32). Verses now leap off the page. Revelation flashes. This happens every single day, every single time I open the Bible.

I want you to have this experience, so in this booklet you will discover how to posture your heart and mind properly so this wonderful miracle of Holy Spirit revelation occurs for you every single day for the rest of your life.

Bonus #5: A "Buddy Pass" for this e-learning module!

This allows you to give access to this complete training package to a person of your choosing, and can only be used once. Your “Buddy” can be a spouse, child or grandchild, friend or missionary. Any time after purchase, just enter their name and email address into the form you will receive via email, and the software handles the rest. Give the gift of life! – This is a $1,118.84 value.

Bonus #6: One-on-one Zoom session with Mark Virkler (Value: $500)

Connect with Mark Virkler for a 30-minute Zoom session to discuss the practical application of these principles to your life and business.

Often sharing ideas together and gaining another’s perspective on them causes you to leap forward with new vigor and enlightenment on where to focus next. This is worth its weight in gold.
As you can see, these bonuses are quite valuable on their own... but they're yours free only when you order during this event!

$1,118.84 Value Only $197 Now $97

$1,118.84 Value Only $197 Now $97

Don't Wait: $100 discount ends February 19th
Android Pay / Apple Pay
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What leaders are saying about Overflow of the Spirit

“Release the Heavens...”

“Overflow of the Spirit offers much more than the one amazing gift of speaking in tongues. It opens the door to an entire lifestyle of intimacy with the Holy Spirit; once this lifestyle is fully embraced, it will release the heavens and the provisions of God for your life.”

From the Foreword by Bill Johnson, Bethel Church
Bill Johnson


“Most believers don’t know how to release all the gifts of the Spirit resident in them. Finally, THE how-to book has arrived!”

Sid Roth – Host, It’s Supernatural!

“Live Out of the Overflow...”

“In Overflow of the Spirit, Mark and his daughter Charity give a biblical impartation of what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit, live out of the overflow, and do life from that filled up place. You are no longer on your own trying to live this Christian life, but walking in communion with God the Holy Spirit.”

John Arnott – Founder, Catch the Fire Church


“I have read many books on the gifts of the Spirit and this is certainly one of the best. Mark Virkler and Charity Virkler Kayembe offer fresh biblical truths to encourage and enhance every believer. The 70 references for who the Holy Spirit is and what He does in and for the believer are tremendous. I received a fresh, supernatural education and awareness of the gifts. The action exercises and testimonies are fantastic. My faith was increased by the process of revelation-based learning.”
Rev. Ronald V. Burgio, D.Min – Former President, Elim Fellowship

“Release the Gifts in Your Life Today!”

“In Overflow of the Spirit, Mark Virkler and Charity Virkler Kayembe weave together Scriptures, journaling with God, and the power of testimony in a relatable manner to provide examples of how to live and walk by the Spirit. They provide practical and easy steps for how to pursue an intimate relationship with God and release the gifts of the Spirit in your life today!”

James W. Goll – Founder, God Encounters Ministries

“Greater Revelation of What is Possible...”

“This resource powerfully shares the important message that the infilling of the Holy Spirit is essential to living the abundant life that Jesus promised in John 10:10, and demystifies both the experience and many manifestations that can be experienced in welcoming this overflow of the Spirit into our lives. Dr. Virkler is a faculty member at Randy Clark's Global School of Supernatural Ministry, and while his foundational teaching here is on hearing God's voice, this book brings forth greater revelation of what is possible for us as we seek all that our Father has for us. I highly recommend this training in your quest for the more of God.”
Dr. Mike Hutchings – Director of Education, Global Awakening

“You CAN Operate in All the Gifts...”

“More than just another book, this is a practical how-to manual when it comes to operating in the gifts of the Spirit. And they do believe that you CAN operate in all the gifts of the Spirit!”

Joshua Mills – Founder, International Glory Ministries

Copyright 2025 Charity Kayembe & Mark Virkler. All rights reserved.