Free Video Event: Overflow of the Spirit
Video Event: Overflow of the Spirit
“I Am So Hungry to Manifest the Nine Gifts of the Spirit!”
We WILL Show YOU How to Easily Release the NineFold Manifestation of the Spirit
Watch This 12-Part Video Series at No Cost February 11-19 (Or $49.95 on DVD)
Since you are passionate to be led by the Spirit, you are ALREADY manifesting the Spirit! You probably are not aware of how easily and often you release words of wisdom and knowledge, prophecy, discerning of spirits, gifts of healings and the rest of the ninefold manifestation. For example, instead of thinking, “Wow, I just had a great idea drop into my mind,” it would be more biblical for you to be thinking, “God, thank You for that word of knowledge.”

The lifestyle of honoring the flow of the Holy Spirit Who lives within (Jn. 7:37-39) is much easier than the lifestyle of wrinkling my brow and trying to figure everything out. Christian spirituality is simple. We live like children (Matt. 18:3). We live in playfulness, faith, intuition and gratitude toward the God Who is with us, in us, and providing us with all things (Rom. 8:32).

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Free Video Event:
Overflow of the Spirit
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“I Am So Hungry to Manifest the Nine Gifts of the Spirit!”
We WILL Show YOU How to Easily Release the NineFold Manifestation of the Spirit
Since you are passionate to be led by the Spirit, you are ALREADY manifesting the Spirit! You probably are not aware of how easily and often you release words of wisdom and knowledge, prophecy, discerning of spirits, gifts of healings and the rest of the ninefold manifestation. For example, instead of thinking, “Wow, I just had a great idea drop into my mind,” it would be more biblical for you to be thinking, “God, thank You for that word of knowledge.”

The lifestyle of honoring the flow of the Holy Spirit Who lives within (Jn. 7:37-39) is much easier than the lifestyle of wrinkling my brow and trying to figure everything out. Christian spirituality is simple. We live like children (Matt. 18:3). We live in playfulness, faith, intuition and gratitude toward the God Who is with us, in us, and providing us with all things (Rom. 8:32).

 The event has ended, but the training package is available NOW!
It took me 50 years to learn how easy it is to release the nine gifts of the Spirit
The church I was saved in said that miracles, healing, tongues and interpretation, and prophecy no longer occur because now we have the Bible. I was disappointed because I wanted to experience the power of God. I wished I had lived back in the Gospel times, when God’s wisdom and power flowed freely.

Then God graciously revealed to me that we can live in the anointing of the Holy Spirit today (Gal. 5:25). I now swim in this River of Life that flows from the Throne of Grace (Rev. 22:1; Ezek. 47). Let me share with you how easy it is to live and move in God’s River of Life.
What leaders are saying about Overflow of the Spirit

“Release the Heavens...”

“Overflow of the Spirit offers much more than the one amazing gift of speaking in tongues. It opens the door to an entire lifestyle of intimacy with the Holy Spirit; once this lifestyle is fully embraced, it will release the heavens and the provisions of God for your life.”

From the Foreword by Bill Johnson, Bethel Church
Bill Johnson


“Most believers don’t know how to release all the gifts of the Spirit resident in them. Finally, THE how-to book has arrived!”

Sid Roth – Host, It’s Supernatural!

“Live Out of the Overflow...”

“In Overflow of the Spirit, Mark and his daughter Charity give a biblical impartation of what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit, live out of the overflow, and do life from that filled up place. You are no longer on your own trying to live this Christian life, but walking in communion with God the Holy Spirit.”

John Arnott – Founder, Catch the Fire Church


“I have read many books on the gifts of the Spirit and this is certainly one of the best. Mark Virkler and Charity Virkler Kayembe offer fresh biblical truths to encourage and enhance every believer. The 70 references for who the Holy Spirit is and what He does in and for the believer are tremendous. I received a fresh, supernatural education and awareness of the gifts. The action exercises and testimonies are fantastic. My faith was increased by the process of revelation-based learning.”
Rev. Ronald V. Burgio, D.Min – Former President, Elim Fellowship

“Release the Gifts in Your Life Today!”

“In Overflow of the Spirit, Mark Virkler and Charity Virkler Kayembe weave together Scriptures, journaling with God, and the power of testimony in a relatable manner to provide examples of how to live and walk by the Spirit. They provide practical and easy steps for how to pursue an intimate relationship with God and release the gifts of the Spirit in your life today!”

James W. Goll – Founder, God Encounters Ministries

“Greater Revelation of What is Possible...”

“This resource powerfully shares the important message that the infilling of the Holy Spirit is essential to living the abundant life that Jesus promised in John 10:10, and demystifies both the experience and many manifestations that can be experienced in welcoming this overflow of the Spirit into our lives. Dr. Virkler is a faculty member at Randy Clark's Global School of Supernatural Ministry, and while his foundational teaching here is on hearing God's voice, this book brings forth greater revelation of what is possible for us as we seek all that our Father has for us. I highly recommend this training in your quest for the more of God.”
Dr. Mike Hutchings – Director of Education, Global Awakening

“You CAN Operate in All the Gifts...”

“More than just another book, this is a practical how-to manual when it comes to operating in the gifts of the Spirit. And they do believe that you CAN operate in all the gifts of the Spirit!”

Joshua Mills – Founder, International Glory Ministries
Who Are Your Teachers?
Mark Virkler
Mark Virkler
Dr. Virkler has authored more than 50 books in the areas of hearing God’s voice and spiritual growth. He is the founder of Communion With God Ministries and Christian Leadership University, where the voice of God is at the center of every learning experience. Mark has taught on developing intimacy with God and spiritual healing for 40 years on six continents. The message has been translated into 50 languages and he has helped to establish more than 250 church-centered Bible schools around the world.
Charity Virkler Kayembe
Charity Virkler Kayembe
Dr. Kayembe is passionate about the sacred supernatural and making the mystical practical in believers’ everyday lives. She has been featured on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!, CBN, Charisma Magazine and The Elijah List. Charity has a Doctorate in Biblical Studies and writes about the unfolding adventure that is walking by the Spirit on her blog at Her international outreach has taken her to all corners of the globe, traveling to over 70 nations on six continents. She and her husband live in upstate New York.
Copyright © 2025 - Mark Virkler & Charity Kayembe