Purchase Take Charge of Your Health e-Learning Module
Includes 2 eBooks, 12 MP3s, 12 Video Downloads, 5 CEUs upon completing quizzes, plus 7 exclusive bonuses only for orders received by June 19th!

$1,121.80 Value Only $197 Now $97

$1,121.80 Value Only $197 Now $97

You are ordering an online e-learning module. Nothing will be shipped to you. Hard copies are available from CWGMinistries.org - click here.

Dynamically Updated

Hearing God Through the Pentateuch - Just $37: Only available when adding this to your purchase today: Get the complete 'Pentatuch' e-learning module at over 60% off. This training assists you in hearing God's voice as you meditate through His word. Now you can take a deep dive into this section of Scripture with the intention of discovering the ways the Lord has woven health-promoting principles through the laws of the Old Testament!

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Sale Ends June 19th
Copyright © 2024 Mark & Patti Virkler
Sale Ends June 19th