by Edith Avanell Savage, a CLU Student
As I have studied this course, God has reminded me of His faithfulness and my need to continue sowing my seeds in faith. Fifteen years ago, my daughter and 1½ year old granddaughter came to live with me. It was difficult having enough money to pay the bills and provide for a toddler who needed diapers and special food. During that time, I attended a revival in a nearby town.
On the way home from work the night of the revival; in anticipation of going, I prayed and told the Lord I wanted to be able to give something for the offering, but I only had two dollars in my purse and some change. I didn't know how I would make it through until payday on Monday without any gas in my car. He very quietly told me to put the two dollars into gas for my car and simply empty the change out of my purse when it came time for the offering.
I agreed that I could do that, but when I looked in my purse at my change, there was the silver dollar my father had given me that I always carried with me. I said, “Lord, You don't mean for me to give my father's silver dollar with the change, do You?” He simply said once again, “Just empty your purse of all the change and put that in the offering plate.” I was so disheartened to think that God wanted me to give away my father's silver dollar. He had carried it in his pocket since it was the date of my grandfather's birth, and it was all I had left of my father's. When the offering plate came around, it took me three tries to get all the change, including dad's silver dollar, out of my purse. I just didn't want to give that silver dollar away, but I did in obedience to my heavenly Father’s instructions.
The following Monday morning, my boss called me into his office and said, “I have good news. I told you at the beginning of the year that I would not be able to give you a raise this year because things were so tight, but I have decided to give you a $1.00 an hour raise.” Immediately the Lord said to me, “Do you remember that silver dollar that you gave in the offering? For every hour you work, I am repaying you for that silver dollar. It will be yours every hour that you work for the rest of your working life.” I was elated! God is so faithful to do what He has promised!
Later, I found out that the church had taken that silver dollar to a coin collector and received $178.00 for the $1.00 that I had given up. Never could I have given $178.00 into the work of God's kingdom at that time in my life. I was so blessed in knowing that God had already multiplied it for His use and had given back to me an abundant harvest for my seed sown! He is so good to me! I will always remember God's faithfulness!
Through this course, I have been reminded to continue doing what I know is right and that when I respond to God in obedience and faith that He will bless me more than I could ever ask, think, or imagine. We can never out give God. My theology on money, wealth, and prosperity is that God has promised in His Word that if I will listen to His voice and obey His commandments, I will be the head and not the tail, blessed as I go out and come back in, and prosperous in every area of my life, with the ability to bless as I am blessed! And that is what I plan to do!