FREE Video Event: Your Extraordinary Life
FREE Video Event: Your Extraordinary Life
Is My Spiritual Foundation Strong Enough to Withstand the Storms of Life?
When I built houses, we spent lots of time digging the foundations deep and then perfectly laying up the concrete blocks. We needed the house to stand when the winds came. Unfortunately, my spiritual foundation was incredibly weak and incomplete when I came to the Lord. The ONLY thing I was taught was that my sins were washed away and I was heaven bound.

When it comes to truly understanding your salvation experience, is your foundation deep and perfectly laid up?
Watch This 16-Part Video Series at No Cost July 2 Through 11th (Or $39.95 on DVD)
When I built houses, we spent lots of time digging the foundations deep and then perfectly laying up the concrete blocks. We needed the house to stand when the winds came. Unfortunately, my spiritual foundation was incredibly weak and incomplete when I came to the Lord. The ONLY thing I was taught was that my sins were washed away and I was heaven bound.

When it comes to truly understanding your salvation experience, is your foundation deep and perfectly laid up?
Your Extraordinary Life
A Spiritual Roadmap for Your Life with Jesus
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Bill & Sandi Griffin
“If there was ever one book to give to new Believers, this is it! Your Extraordinary Life is for the new Believer and even the seasoned theologian! Mark and Patti Virkler have distilled their 30+ years of ministering God’s Love to His people into this 200 page masterpiece [and accompanying videos]. They guide the reader into experiencing the extraordinary abundant life of intimacy with the Source of all Love. Truly an expressway to your brand new life in the Kingdom.”
Bill and Sandi Griffin – Co-hosts of The Healing Word
Here are some questions to help you inspect your spiritual house:
  • Can you list the 12 exchanges Jesus Christ provided for you through His tremendous sacrifice on the cross? Not only do I teach on this but one of this month’s bonuses is a free downloadable computer/mobile device wallpaper visually answering this question.
  • As Peter closed the very first sermon of the Church Age, he gave an altar call. He said, “Repent, believe, be baptized,” and then what did he say they would receive?
  • Am I currently being sanctified or am I already perfected, or both?
  • ​Is water baptism simply a picture of my death and burial in Christ, or is it to involve something more? If something more, then what?
  • ​What does it mean to judge the body rightly before taking communion? Is this just talking about repenting of personal sin or something else?
  • ​What is the law of the Lord, and what does it have to do with me as a New Covenant believer?
  • ​What are my three options when faced with temptation to sin?
  • ​What are the simple steps I take which allow me to easily overcome temptation through the Spirit?
  • What's wrong with me asking the question, "What would Jesus do?"
  • ​What's wrong with believing and confessing that the world is worse today than it's ever been (and is that even true)?
  • Should I expect God's punishment when I sin, or is that done away with in the New Covenant?
  • When troubles come, and I just don't understand, how am I to respond?
  • ​What did Jesus say is the ordained strength which silences the enemy in my life?
  • ​Is it beyond my reach to live like Jesus did, or is this possible for me to do?
  • ​What are the three traditional Church sacraments and what do I experience in each?
  • ​Why is the baptism in the Holy Spirit and the gift of speaking in tongues important for me to experience? When I speak in tongues, who does the speaking? What is the value of speaking in tongues since my mind doesn’t understand it?
  • ​Since I don’t want to fall into a ditch, but rather, to stay on the path of life, what are the two major lights for my path?
  • What are the three progressive stages in my developing relationship with the Holy Spirit?
  • Why is it important as a Christian that I hear God’s voice?
  • Biblically define these words: repent, sin, grace, sozo, Jehovah Rapha, baptize, sacrament, devil, abundant.
Do I need this training on “Your Extraordinary Life”?
After experiencing the training from the module “Your Extraordinary Life” you will be able to answer all 20 questions above correctly! But there’s more…
Jesus declared that He came to give us abundant life. The Greek meanings of that word “abundant” include “superior, remarkable, uncommon, and extraordinary.” Are those the words you would use to describe your life? Would you like them to? This series will teach you how to build a spiritual house that overflows with the grace and blessings He has promised you. It’s never too late to strengthen those foundations so you can experience the full glory of “Your Extraordinary Life!”
Mark Virkler
Mark Virkler
About the Teacher:
Dr. Mark Virkler has authored more than 50 books in the areas of hearing God’s voice and spiritual growth. He is the founder of Communion With God Ministries and Christian Leadership University, where the voice of God is at the center of every learning experience. Mark has taught on developing intimacy with God and spiritual healing for over 40 years on six continents. The message has been translated into 50+ languages and he has helped to establish more than 250 church-centered Bible schools around the world.

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Copyright © 2024 - Mark Virkler